Friday, September 22, 2023

Update to Fun With Fabric Marionettes - ALADDIN

These are marionettes made for ALADDIN AND THE MAGIC LAMP. It is necessary to make two identical versions of Aladdin for his transformation into a "Prince". A human actor in a mask plays the Genii so that he can physically move the marionettes and scenery around.

Poor ALADDIN in his rags.

"Prince" ALADDIN in his finery. The red feather and striped sash match Poor ALADDIN'S cap and vest to tie the two versions together.


Update to Fun With Fabric Marionettes - WIZARD


Update to Fun With Fabric Marionettes - CAMEL Marionette

Here are patterns and instructions for making the CAMEL marionette. 
[For other Animal marionette ideas check out my main blog: 

Besides the fabric required you will also need these wooden parts and the half Slinky.

This Camel is strung using the same double airplane control as the other marionettes in the book. The back knee strings cross over the body and attach to the control along with the front knee strings to give the Camel an animal's gait. If you want more Head movement consider attaching the head strings to a removable control bar. 
This marionette was made for use with the ALADDIN puppets.



This is a blog version of my original book with some updated posts in the front and the original book pages following. You can right click a...